Voxcan uses BD FACSLyricTM Flow Cytometry System (BD Biosciences), with 12 parameters and 10 colors available: 4 on blue laser / 3 on red laser / 3 on violet laser, with analysis performed on BD FACSuiteTM software (BD Biosciences). The flow cytometer is coupled to a Class I biosafety hood for sorting samples at BSL-2 levels.
To quantify cytokines and proteins of interest, Voxcan is equipped with the latest MAGPIX® System (Luminex Corporation) to perform Luminex assays.
Our microbiology laboratory is specialized in amplifying viral and bacterial strains from BSL-2 to BSL-3 levels, both for in vitro and in vivo applications.
Viral and bacterial titers are determined via performing PFU or CFU assays, with our high-throughput Scan®-500 (Intersciences) counter for automated CFU count.
For bacteria, we have the ability to count either non-adherent (planktonic) or adherent bacteria to evaluate biofilm development (such as biofilm development on catheters).
Voxcan’s genomic platform is specialized in the extraction of RNA and DNA from various samples (bacteria, viruses, cells, tissues) using fully automated nucleic acid extraction (QIAcube® QIAGEN).
With our LightCycler® 480 System (Roche Life Science), we provide qualitative and quantitative analysis of target gene expression and viral/bacterial load (RNA/DNA) in tissues of interest.
Voxcan has a dedicated cell culture platform for amplifying tumor cell lines for animal models. This platform is also used for custom cell-based assays (cell viability, absorbance/fluorescence readings).